Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Photoshop Roadmap News

The Photoshop Roadmap News

How to Create the Harry Potter Text Font in Photoshop


This photoshop tutorial will show you how to create the famous font used for the promotions of the latest Harry Potter film (Deathly Hollows). Essentially we will create text that is 3D is various colors on each of the protruding surfaces.

A Photo Manipulator's Guide to Blending


Blending is the essential skill for every photo manipulator and it's one of the first things to learn. Without proper blending your images won't look believable. There are several ways how to blend images together. In this article I'd like to cover basic techniques which are essential for every manipulation.

Create a Vintage Coupon in Photoshop


In this tutorial I will lead you through the process of creating a vintage coupon in Photoshop. We combine basic shapes, textures, filters and stock images to achieve the final design. Read on to see how to make this vintage coupon from scratch.

Underwater 3D Text Effect in Photoshop


In this Photoshop Tutorial, we will be making a 3D text under water. We will be making water effect also in this tutorial. 3D text to use and some effect will be given on it. Some blending option, filters also to use in this tutorial, so it will be very useful for those who are in Web Design Training, Web design Learning, Graphic Design Training, Graphic Design Learning, 3D Web Design etc.

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