Thursday, July 7, 2011

Abduzeedo - graphic design | design inspiration | tutorials -

Abduzeedo - graphic design | design inspiration | tutorials -

Daily Inspiration #867

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 01:44 PM PDT

This post is part of our daily series of posts showing the most inspiring images selected by some of the Abduzeedo's writers and users. If you want to participate and share your graphic design inspiration, just send us, via email, the image with the link from where you found it, also use "Daily Inspiration" in the subject, and don't forget to send your Abduzeedo username; or via Twitter sending to

If possible use the HTML code: <p class="imgC"><a href="Link to the page you found the image"><img src="Link to the Image" /></a></p>

Do you want to see all images from all Daily Inspirations? Check out


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

al b sure

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

alex tass

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Anderson Tomazi

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

André Lacerda

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Best Bookmarks

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Eugene Kim

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Feature Me

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Meng To

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Via Twitter

Send your suggestions via Twitter to using #abdz in the end of the tweet.


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #867

About the author

Someone with a bachelor degree in Foreign Trade that really likes technology, design, photography and creativity. A person 'digging' a new way as a 'geek apprentice', blogger 'wanna be' and a communication lover! Current location: Porto Alegre, RS – Brazil
Twitter user: gismullr

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Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers at Amazon

Badass Illustrations by Joshua M. Smith aka Hydro74

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 12:11 PM PDT

Joshua M. Smith aka Hydro74 is a designer based in Orlando, Florida. He's a craftsman and master in type treatments, branding, apparel, illustration and more. His art is a true inspiration of somebody that is very skilled and very passionate about his work.

The soul purpose of my career is to push the boundries in doing what I feel is relevant to the market as well as extract various elements and trends to be able to offer them up in my own personal work. But let's be honest. I do what I love because I love it. Not because I have to do it, nor am forced to do it, but rather passionate about doing what I do. I firmly believe in having set style tones, yet a sense of diversity to make any various project unique to the demands that are set forth.

You can check his work on , follow him on Twitter @hydro74 or check out his online storefront at .

Hydro74 vs. Vahalla Studios from LemonLime Photography on Vimeo.

About the author

My name's François Hoang and my alias's Aoiro Studio. I am a self-taught freelance graphic designer from Montreal, Canada. I've been designing for the last 4 years and really have a huge passion for creative work that makes a difference in our world. If you wanna requests some posts; I can be found on Twitter or feel free to contact me.

Sponsored Links:

Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers at Amazon

Outstanding Tee Designs by Vincent Bocognani

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 07:40 AM PDT

With all the T-shirt contests happening on the internet, I start asking myself, what makes a T-shirt design really good? I mean, you see a lot of funny ideas or well executed drawings winning, but shouldn't a T-shirt design be both of them? Vincent Bocognani artworks really answer my question. This excellent illustrator got an outstanding body of T-shirt illustrations, they're not only well done, but really funny, check out.

Unfortunately, I could not found more than his Flickr, but If you got more information about him, please drop it on the comments.

dragon's origin



the true story

judgement day

somewhere on the planet Hoth

to be or not to be...

original ghost hunter


da vinci game

war for the star

hard adventure

epic chifoumi

personal hygiene

back to the jurassic

and the winner is

epic sandy

(giant) problem child

tragical destiny

a (very) long time ago

da vinci bobomb

About the author

My name is Marcos Torres, I'm Graphic Artist from Porto Alegre, Brasil. You can get to know more about me by acessing my Personal Website or by following me on Twitter: @marcos333. You can also see some of my last projects at my Flickr.

Sponsored Links:

Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers at Amazon

Typography Mania #87

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 07:36 AM PDT

Typography Mania is a weekly post series that comes around every Wednesday with the best of Typography design works on the web, from type videos to images everything is full of great design and typography inspiration. Users can submit their typography designs.

Click here to check out all the previous Typography Mania

Make sure to click on each image to go to original location where you can check out more work from each artist and designer.

Submit your Typography work

From now on you can submit your typography mania piece by adding your image to Abduzeedo's Flickr Group and use the tag Typography. I will search through and handpick the best pieces every week.


Typography Inspiration
Submited by StefanBrandow

Typography Inspiration
Submited by doomonti

Typography Inspiration
Submited by antonio.campollo

Typography Inspiration
Submited by gabmiranda

Typography Inspiration
Submited by The Metatron

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Moe Pike

Typography Inspiration
Submited by lets_one

Typography Inspiration
Submited by fabienbarral

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Ryan Stever

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Jackson Alves

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Jay Roeder

Typography Inspiration
Submited by ndstillie

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Atix Vector

Typography Inspiration
Submited by lemasney

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Marcelo Schultz

Typography Inspiration
Submited by grzegorz_1984

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Martina Flor

Typography Inspiration
Submited by What Katie Does

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Solo 71

Typography Inspiration
Submited by Caetano Calomino

About the author

Hi there! I'm Paulo Canabarro, 25 years old, Brazilian web designer based in Providence RI, USA. I'm truly passionate about design of all kinds. Finding and sharing inspiration has become part of my life. If you have any suggestions or requests just get @ me - For some cool stuff make sure to Follow me on twitter!


Sponsored Links:

Advertising banner by Media Militia Free Design Resources

Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers at Amazon

Rad Train Graffiti

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 09:40 PM PDT

It might be seen as vandalism, but for street art appreciators, trains are potential canvases. When artists come up with good looking art, it just makes cities a little happier.

The first 4 images are in Abduzeedo's home town, Porto Alegre. All the others are from several cities around the globe. These are very creative, and I gotta say that for these, usually the most colorful ones are simply the best, but of course, it also depends on the overall style. Well, don't forget to visit each one of these! I hope you enjoy them. Cheers!

Rad Train Graffiti

Rad Train Graffiti

Rad Train Graffiti

Rad Train Graffiti

Graffiti 41

Blue Train

Best Nike train ever...

Train Graffiti 1

Train Graffiti Over

RIOT FE CREW train graffiti

Graffiti Train

Graffiti in Düsseldorf 2009




About the author

Hello, everyone! I'm Paulo Gabriel, a 26 year old designer from Porto Alegre, Brazil. I have worked as a webdesigner since 2006, but websites and blogs have been a hobby for me since 1999. Here in Abduzeedo, I try to bring only the hot stuff for you... and hope that all of you enjoy my posts! For more cool stuff, you may also follow me on Twitter.

Sponsored Links:

Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers at Amazon

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