Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Photoshop Roadmap News

The Photoshop Roadmap News

Fun and Exciting Text Effect in Photoshop


In this tutorial you will learn some new, effective and simple techniques to use while creating text effects in Photoshop.

Give your ordinary portrait photo glamorous effect with charming make-up


In this tutorial you will learn how to use various retouching techniques to turn an ordinary portrait into a glamorous one with charming make up.

Design a stylish button in Photoshop


n this tutorial, you will learn to design a green textured button.

Creative Open Envelope Tutorial


n this tutorial, you will learn to design a funny open envelope icon.

Creating The Heores Poster In Photoshop


Note: This tutorial has been carried out in Adobe Photoshop CS5. Before you continue, make sure you are familiar with the Smudge Tool and other basic tools in Photoshop. Due to copyright reasons, I have changed the 'H' in HEROES to 'Z'.

How to do Advanced Smudging in Photoshop


This tutorial will show you how to do slightly more advanced smudging, where you are more targeted and subtle in the areas you want to enhance. Smudging can be very useful to add "flow" to an image and break up the harsh lines.

How to Fix and Retouch Photo Color


This tutorial walks you through how and when to use the most important and effective color adjustment tools within Photoshop.

Blue Fractal Photoshop Brushes


Blue fractal Photoshop brushes to create abstract light effects. Included are nice star brushes and pretty night sky effects.

Trauma Photoshop Brushes


Abstract "Trauma" Photoshop brushes created by m0nica. Dirty and techy look.

Create a Dramatic Photo Manipulation of a Whale Stealing from a Seagull


Learn how to create this photo manipulation using five stock photos. The final results is of a hungry whale stealing a goldfish from a seagull. This tutorial will show you how to combine stock photos, apply a rain effect, then finish it off with a dramatic photo effect.

Create an Aquarium Inside a Light Bulb with Photoshop


Learn how to combine stock photos to create a saltwater aquarium inside a light bulb. This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to combine and warp images and apply easy color correction.

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