Friday, July 8, 2011

Abduzeedo - graphic design | design inspiration | tutorials -

Abduzeedo - graphic design | design inspiration | tutorials -

Daily Inspiration #868

Posted: 07 Jul 2011 01:46 PM PDT

This post is part of our daily series of posts showing the most inspiring images selected by some of the Abduzeedo's writers and users. If you want to participate and share your graphic design inspiration, just send us, via email, the image with the link from where you found it, also use "Daily Inspiration" in the subject, and don't forget to send your Abduzeedo username; or via Twitter sending to


If possible use the HTML code: <p class="imgC"><a href="Link to the page you found the image"><img src="Link to the Image" /></a></p>

Do you want to see all images from all Daily Inspirations? Check out


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Adam Taylor

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

al b sure

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

alex tass

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Ahmad Elabbar

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Anderson Tomazi

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Best Bookmarks

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Danny Roozen

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Eugene Kim

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Faheema P

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Feature Me

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Hysterical Minds

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Hung Pham

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Meng To

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Piotr Tarka

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Rodrigo Marinelli

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Visions Paradox

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

Via Twitter

Send your suggestions via Twitter to using #abdz in the end of the tweet.


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #868

About the author

I'm from Brazil, co-founder of Zee with Fabio. Nowadays I like to play with Fireworks, Photoshop and improve my skills in CSS. If you wanna request some posts, please feel free to contact me or follow on Twitter.

Sponsored Links:

Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers at Amazon

Video Inspiration #25 - Reader Submitted Work

Posted: 07 Jul 2011 10:47 AM PDT

Video Inspiration is a weekly(ish) post where we either feature a specific artist or show a sort of "best of" list of videos we've discovered during the week. Everything here may not be brand new, but we felt it worth sharing with the community. If you have good finds that you'd like to share, please feel free to send your links to with "video inspiration" in the subject line.

Once again, here is a collection of my favorite reader submitted works over the last few weeks. Keep them coming!

L.A. Noire - Title Sequence from chrisp on Vimeo.

death of phonebook from cinema iloobia on Vimeo.

OFFF 2011 from BUNGALOW on Vimeo.

Let's Go Sailing from Jesse Morrow on Vimeo.

Aujourd'hui l'energie from Benoit MILLOT on Vimeo.

perrier track matte demo from chrisp on Vimeo.

David Hart & Co. - "Tartans" from Jeremy Nelson on Vimeo.

Zeleno Drom from Artfx on Vimeo.

About the author

Hi, my name is Nathan Weller. I'm a Columbus Ohio based artist, blogger and freelance consultant. I manage business development here at Abduzeedo. If you'd like to partner or advertise with us, email me at nathan[@] I also write for some other cool blogs and post everything I write on twitter. If I'm not working then I'm either tinkering around with personal projects or posting cool stuff as I find it on my Tumblr. If you're passionate about art or even an artist yourself, I'd love to connect and learn about what you do :)

Sponsored Links:

Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers at Amazon

Worldwide Photography #26: Amsterdam

Posted: 07 Jul 2011 07:34 AM PDT

Worldwide Photography is a series of posts where every week we're going to show a city or location around the globe bringing the coolest photography samples of it. The photographs authors are all credited right above their pictures. Today feature: Amsterdam, Netherlands.

For the next week we're going to feature Bruges, Belgium so if you want to send your submissions for the next Worldwide Photography, please tweet the tag #wwphoto and the link of the photo(s) on twitter. I'll be wainting for your submissions :)





AmsterS@m - The Wicked Reflectah






Leo el Feo


Dariusz Cyparski

kees straver

kees straver


kees straver


kees straver


kees straver

Alberto Sen !!



Peter Gutierrez




manuel cristaldi

Nikon Bassi




Edd Noble


Frank Hendriks


!Shot by Scott!


antonio bustamante


Raf Ferreira





Stewart Leiwakabessy




About the author

My name is Marcos Torres, I'm Graphic Artist from Porto Alegre, Brasil. You can get to know more about me by acessing my Personal Website or by following me on Twitter: @marcos333. You can also see some of my last projects at my Flickr.

Sponsored Links:

Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers at Amazon

Crazy Old Mules Project

Posted: 07 Jul 2011 04:47 AM PDT

From the same creator of the WTF Series, Minga pulled of yet another funny illustrations series based on old mules and each piece represents a different type of mule, some of them represented by a brand but it's all fun and great illustration after all. Check out the mules!

Also check the WTF Series and WTF Series 2 by Minga

Don't forget to tell us which one is your Favorite mule? or which mule should he make next?

Crazy Old Mules Project

Crazy Old Mules Project

Crazy Old Mules Project

Crazy Old Mules Project

Crazy Old Mules Project

Crazy Old Mules Project

Crazy Old Mules Project

Crazy Old Mules Project

Crazy Old Mules Project

Crazy Old Mules Project

About the author

Hi there! I'm Paulo Canabarro, 25 years old, Brazilian web designer based in Providence RI, USA. I'm truly passionate about design of all kinds. Finding and sharing inspiration has become part of my life. If you have any suggestions or requests just get @ me - For some cool stuff make sure to Follow me on twitter!


Sponsored Links:

Advertising banner by Media Militia Free Design Resources

Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers at Amazon

Logo Design: Ice Cream and Popsicles

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 10:25 PM PDT

The Logo Design series is up and running! We're thinking ahead and we want to find new ways to sort these listings. Last week we had a post on logos with elephants... today it's all about logos with ice cream and popsicles!


As usual, we'll search for logos in these galleries: Logopond, Logo Faves, Logo Moose, Logo from Dreams, Logo Gala, WS Logos, The Logo Mix and Wolda. We hope you all enjoy our selection! Cheers. ;)

Logo Design: Ice Cream and Popsicles

Logo Design: Ice Cream and Popsicles

Logo Design: Ice Cream and Popsicles

Logo Design: Ice Cream and Popsicles

Logo Design: Ice Cream and Popsicles

Logo Design: Ice Cream and Popsicles

Logo Design: Ice Cream and Popsicles

Logo Design: Ice Cream and Popsicles

Logo Design: Ice Cream and Popsicles

Logo Design: Ice Cream and Popsicles

Logo Design: Ice Cream and Popsicles

About the author

Hello, everyone! I'm Paulo Gabriel, a 26 year old designer from Porto Alegre, Brazil. I have worked as a webdesigner since 2006, but websites and blogs have been a hobby for me since 1999. Here in Abduzeedo, I try to bring only the hot stuff for you... and hope that all of you enjoy my posts! For more cool stuff, you may also follow me on Twitter.

Sponsored Links:

Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers at Amazon

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