Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Abduzeedo - graphic design | design inspiration | tutorials -

Abduzeedo - graphic design | design inspiration | tutorials -

Daily Inspiration #871

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 03:16 PM PDT

This post is part of our daily series of posts showing the most inspiring images selected by some of the Abduzeedo's writers and users. If you want to participate and share your graphic design inspiration, just send us, via email, the image with the link from where you found it, also use "Daily Inspiration" in the subject, and don't forget to send your Abduzeedo username; or via Twitter sending to http://twitter.com/abduzeedo.


If possible use the HTML code: <p class="imgC"><a href="Link to the page you found the image"><img src="Link to the Image" /></a></p>

Do you want to see all images from all Daily Inspirations? Check out http://daily.abduzeedo.com


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

al b sure

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

alex tass

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Anderson Tomazi

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Best Bookmarks

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Danny Roozen

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Dennis Henrique

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Eric Vasquez

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Eugene Kim

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Feature Me

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

It's Designed

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Jurgen Doe

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

marco puccini

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Meng To

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Taran Uppal

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

The functional Fox

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Visions Paradox

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

Via Twitter

Send your suggestions via Twitter to http://twitter.com/abduzeedo using #abdz in the end of the tweet.


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #871

About the author

I'm from Brazil, co-founder of Zee with Fabio. Nowadays I like to play with Fireworks, Photoshop and improve my skills in CSS. If you wanna request some posts, please feel free to contact me or follow on Twitter.

Sponsored Links:

Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers at Amazon

Filter Forge Contest Winners & Free Patterns for Download

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 09:24 AM PDT

A few weeks ago we held a design contest sponsored by Filter Forge with the prize being a free copy of their software up for grabs to the top three contestants. However, just in case you didn't catch that first post, here's a brief explanation of who/what Filter Forge is: Filter Forge is a high-end graphic software allowing you to create visual effects, enhance photos, generate textures, and process images. It features 7500+ free ready-to-use realistic and abstract textures and effects, and a powerful visual editor to create custom ones. Filter Forge can operate as a standalone application or as a plug-in for Photoshop and compatible hosts, under Windows or Mac OS X.

So, without further ado, here are your Filter Forge contest winners:

Jerry Maninang

Gaggo Ponti

DOTY (email address, didn't send name)

If you are one of the above three winners I will be sending your email addresses to Filter Forge today so that they can send you the serial numbers that validate the trial software you downloaded! Congratulations!

Additionally, I'd like to mention that Filter Forge has some new free patterns that everyone can download. They recently released "Freepack 6" which contains nine seamless patters. I've include some samples below. [Download here]

About the author

Hi, my name is Nathan Weller. I'm a Columbus Ohio based artist, blogger and freelance consultant. I manage business development here at Abduzeedo. If you'd like to partner or advertise with us, email me at nathan[@]abduzeedo.com. I also write for some other cool blogs and post everything I write on twitter. If I'm not working then I'm either tinkering around with personal projects or posting cool stuff as I find it on my Tumblr. If you're passionate about art or even an artist yourself, I'd love to connect and learn about what you do :)

Sponsored Links:

Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers at Amazon

Book Giveaway Winners - Book #Three by Radim Malinic

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 09:03 AM PDT

A few weeks ago, we made an interview with Radim Malinic, an illustrator and graphic designer based in London, England. Now he's back this week with a Book Giveaway for his Book #Three, a collection of commercial and experimental work done by Radim during the last couple years.

The interview with Radim Malinic / Brand Nu can be viewed via this link http://abduzeedo.com/interview-radim-malinic-aka-brand-nu.

We have 5 "Book #Three" to giveaway. To participate is very simple, just leave a comment in the comment box below with a valid email so we can contact you.

Update: The Winners are

JMerrill, Femi, Cruz Barcelona, Sonic21 and Franz Jeitz. Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everybody for participating. I'll contact the winners and we'll send your Book #Three from Radim Malinic

To get more information about the Book Three, you can click on this link Brandnu.co.uk/Book-Buy .

Several self-initiated experiments, unpublished elsewhere, which show the passion and excitement that Brand Nu applies to seeking new techniques to add to his ever expanding creative arsenal.About the Book Three

Book #THREE by Brand Nu from Brand Nu on Vimeo.

About Radim Malinic

Radim Malinic / Brand Nu is an award winning art director, illustrator and graphic designer based in London, England. Under the name of Brand Nu he works with leading household brands as well as upcoming business, playing a crucial part in the formation of brand language, product advertising, print illustrations and web solutions.

Radim Malinic has firmly established himself over the last few years as one of the most successful and prolific commercial illustrators working today. His award winning work is renowned worldwide for its innovation, passion and attention to intricate detail.

For more information on Radim Malinic, check out his website BrandNu.co.uk or follow him on Twitter @brand_nu.

You can also check out his personal website at RadimMalinic.co.uk and the website of this studio Black Sands at Black-Sands.co.uk.

About the author

My name's François Hoang and my alias's Aoiro Studio. I am a self-taught freelance graphic designer from Montreal, Canada. I've been designing for the last 4 years and really have a huge passion for creative work that makes a difference in our world. If you wanna requests some posts; I can be found on Twitter or feel free to contact me.

Sponsored Links:

Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers at Amazon

Super Creative Ad Campaigns by Lorenzo Vitturi

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 06:57 AM PDT

In the world of Advertising creativity is everything and Lorenzo Vitturi sure knows how to pull it off. Born in Venice, Italy, Lorenzo is a photographer/designer with a lot of experience and an amazing portifolio. Check out what and how he gets done.


For more from Lorenzo Vitturi visit www.lorenzovitturi.com

Freddy Olympics

Print campaign for Freddy the official sponsor of the Italian Team at the Olympic Games in Beijing

Super Creative Ad Campaigns by Lorenzo Vitturi

Super Creative Ad Campaigns by Lorenzo Vitturi

Super Creative Ad Campaigns by Lorenzo Vitturi

Super Creative Ad Campaigns by Lorenzo Vitturi

Super Creative Ad Campaigns by Lorenzo Vitturi

Big Bang Theatre

Palladium theatre print campaign

Super Creative Ad Campaigns by Lorenzo Vitturi

Super Creative Ad Campaigns by Lorenzo Vitturi


Print Campaign and Catalogue

Super Creative Ad Campaigns by Lorenzo Vitturi

Super Creative Ad Campaigns by Lorenzo Vitturi

Super Creative Ad Campaigns by Lorenzo Vitturi

Super Creative Ad Campaigns by Lorenzo Vitturi

Super Creative Ad Campaigns by Lorenzo Vitturi

About the author

Hi there! I'm Paulo Canabarro, 25 years old, Brazilian web designer based in Providence RI, USA. I'm truly passionate about design of all kinds. Finding and sharing inspiration has become part of my life. If you have any suggestions or requests just get @ me - pvpcanabarro@gmail.com For some cool stuff make sure to Follow me on twitter!


Sponsored Links:

Advertising banner by Media Militia Free Design Resources

Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers at Amazon

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Posted: 10 Jul 2011 10:22 PM PDT

A few months ago I started seeing some poster in San Francisco about this game called L.A Noire. The text effect was really cool, sort of old style neon effect. I know I have done a few tutorials showing how to create this type of effect, but I needed to do that again in Photoshop.

So in this tutorial I will show you how to create the text effect like you see in the L.A Noire game cover. The whole tutorial will take about 1-1:30h. It's a bit tricky but it's not easy and the outcome is really cool.

Step 1

The first thing to do is create the text you will use for the background of the neon. I used Illustrator for this part because it's easier to play with fonts. So basically I am using Arial Black for the font, however I changed the B, D and O so they are not so rounded.

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Step 2

To create the neons use the Rounded Rectangle Tool. Start with a 100% rounded rectangle, then duplicate it and move it so you have one next ot the other. After that with the Direct Selection Tool (A) delete the rounded of the top of one of the rectangles and the bottom of the other. Use the image below for reference.

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Step 3

Create the rest of the letters. Look at the B, D, and O. To create those letters you will basically repeat the previous step however with some different tweaks to make them fit in the character you are working on.

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Step 4

Open Photoshop and create a new document. I am using 2560x1440 for the size. Fill the background with black and then copy the ABDUZEEDO work from Illustrator and paste it in Photoshop. I am using yellow (#f0af17) for the color.

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Step 5

Go to Layer>Layer Styles>Inner Glow. Use Lighter Color for the Blend Mode, 60% for the Opacity, Center for the Source, 20% for the Choke and 60 pixels for the Size.

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Step 6

Select Inner Shadow. Use black for the color, Linear Burn for the Blend Mode, 40% for the Opacity, 45º for the Angle, 10 pixels for the Distance, 5% for the Choke and 5 pixels for the Size.

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Step 7

Now let's use some texture to give more realism. The one I am using is courtesy of Shutterstock and you can find it at http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-20761540/stock-photo-metal-plate-backgro...

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Step 8

Change the texture Blend Mode to Overlay at 30% Opacity.

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Step 9

Duplicate the text and fill the layer with black, after that start duplicating and moving 2 pixels up and left. Repeat that a few times to create a sort of 3D extrusion. After that select all layers you created for that effect and merge them into one (Layer>Merge Layers).

Select the layer and go to Layer>Layer Styles>Stroke. Use 14 pixels for the Size, 40% Opacity and (#b47200) for the color.

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Step 10

Copy the neon objects from Illustrator and paste it in Photoshop. Then go to Layer>Layers Styles>Blending Options. Change the Fill Opacity to 0%.

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Step 11

Select Drop Shadow. Use black for the color, Linear Burn for the Blend Mode, 40% for the Opacity, -23% for the Distance, 5% for the Spread, 5 pixels for the Size.

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Step 12

Select Inner Shadow. Use Multiply for the Blend Mode, #865200 for the Color, 50% for the Opacity, 120º for the Angle, 1 pixel for the Distance, 2% for the Choke, 2 pixels for the Size and for the Contour use the same I used in the image below.

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Step 13

Select Outer Glow. For the Blend Mode use Color Dodge at 50% Opacity and white for the Color. Also change the Spread to 0 and the Size to 10 pixels.

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Step 14

Select Inner Glow. Then use Color Dodge for the Blend Mode at 100% Opacity. Also change the Source to Center, Choke to 2%, Size to 2 pixels, Range to 5% and Jitter to 100%.

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Step 15

The neon is nice but it need some highlights. To do that is pretty simple. Create a folder in the Layers Palette and change its Blend Mode to Color Dodge. Add a layer inside the folder and then with the Brush Tool (B) a very soft brush and white for the color start painting some areas you want to highlight. You can see in the image below in in the letters how some have this brighter area.

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Step 16

Now let's do the same but this time to create some dark spots. So add a new folder but this time change the Blend Mode to Linear Burn at 80%. Then add the layer inside the folder and with the Brush Tool (B) and a soft brush with black for the color paint some dark areas. Use the image below for reference.

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Step 17

Select all layers and duplicate them, after that merge all duplicated layers into one. Go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use 5 pixels for the Radius.

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop


Change the Blend Mode to screen and with the Eraser Tool (E) delete most of the layer leaving only the areas that are close to the bright spots. As you can see to create the effect is pretty simple, basically some layer styles and blend modes, but it's a nice technique to use in future projects, especially icons. Now it's up to you :)

L.A Noire Neon Style in Photoshop

Download the Photoshop File

Download the Photoshop file used for this tutorial

About the author

Abduzeedo is a blog about design. There are all sorts of articles for those who want to look for inspiration. Also you will find very useful tutorials for the most used applications out there, with a special selection of Photoshop Tutorials and Illustrator Tutorials. You can get in follow us via Twitter at @abduzeedo

Sponsored Links:

Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers at Amazon

The Perfect Office #95

Posted: 10 Jul 2011 09:24 PM PDT

We've seen some great gadgets and equipment for designers. So many cool stuff, that we could actually assemble infinite perfect office spaces! Every week we'll assemble a perfect office, and we'd like you to help us. What equipment would the perfect office have?


Not only gadgets and equipment, but also furniture, sound system, gaming stuff (for lunch time!). A designer is totally allowed to dream with the perfect office, and that's what we're gonna do here! Also, tell us your suggestions, or even better, you may tell us via twitter (mine and fabio's), using #abdz_ofc so we can check it. Alright? I hope you guys enjoy this brief selection. Cheers! ;)

Mhin Clock by James Tobin

The Perfect Office #95
The Perfect Office #95

James Tobin is a young Irish designer working in the US who recently created the Mhin Clock. Inspired by living in a busy city in which people are always on the go, the Mhin clock documents time with ambiguity to help relax you and keep you from constant worry about the time. Mhin displays time in a linear fashion with silence instead of the constant ticking reminder of time going by. (at Design Milk)

Coleman Portable Propane Coffeemaker

The Perfect Office #95

It doesn't matter whether you're emerging from a tent for a long day of fishing or simply too lazy to run through Starbucks prior to a big day of tailgating — you're going to need some coffee. Which is where the Coleman Portable Propane Coffeemaker comes in. Powered by a single 16.4 oz propane cylinder, this road-ready gadget brews up 10 cups of joe in under 20 minutes, giving you plenty of time to get ready for your day. (at Uncrate)

¡No se haga bolas! Organizer

The Perfect Office #95

From @masiosarestudio, a wool felt organizer wrapped in elastic cord that expands to hold more desktop objects as they're added. (at Moco Loco)

Pixbag SLR Camera Wraps

The Perfect Office #95

These stylish Pixbag SLR Camera Wraps by DaWanda(like European version of Etsy) seller Chocmuf, made from a large assortment of bright colors, patterns and prints. Available in 3 different sizes for different cameras. (at Like Cool)

iPhone SLR Mount

The Perfect Office #95
The Perfect Office #95

The iPhone SLR Mount might seem a bit over the top but it strikes a cord with the camera geek inside. The adapter, which encompasses a case, extension tubes and some custom machined parts to link it all together, lets you attach any Nikon or Canon EOS lenses to the back of your iPhone 4 — giving the 5 megapixel sensor a whole new world of prime glass to interpret. (at Cool Hunting)

About the author

Hello, everyone! I'm Paulo Gabriel, a 26 year old designer from Porto Alegre, Brazil. I have worked as a webdesigner since 2006, but websites and blogs have been a hobby for me since 1999. Here in Abduzeedo, I try to bring only the hot stuff for you... and hope that all of you enjoy my posts! For more cool stuff, you may also follow me on Twitter.

Sponsored Links:

Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers at Amazon

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